The Dr. Warren Gage Podcast

Episode 11: The Free Gift of the Heavenly New Jerusalem by Dr. Warren Gage

New Series: A Study of Revelation 21 & 22

Episode Description: The Greek philosopher Aristotle said that man is a political animal, and the greatest work of man is to build a city. Throughout the ages, men have labored in vain in the false hope of building the perfect city. But the Bible gives us a different worldview. It promises the Heavenly New Jerusalem will one day come down from heaven as Christ’s free gift to us! Listen to Dr. Warren Gage explain the implications of that promise in this episode, which is part of a verse by verse study of Revelation 21 & 22.

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Episode 10: The Eternal Destiny of the Righteous & the Wicked by Dr. Warren Gage

Episode Description: What does the Bible teach us about the eternal destiny of those who are not in Christ? Does hell exist? Is the doctrine of universal salvation possible, or is it not biblical? Dr. Warren Gage gives you the answers in this episode, which is part of a verse by verse study of Revelation 21 & 22.

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Episode 9: The Promises to the One Who Overcomes by Dr. Warren Gage

Episode Description: Revelation 21:7-8 outlines the promises that will be awarded to the faithful in the end and the judgments that will be dealt to the unbelieving. Remarkably, the faithful will be given the wondrous privilege of calling God their “Father.” What does this magnificent privilege entail? This episode continues Dr. Warren Gage’s verse by verse study of Revelation 21 & 22.

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Episode 8: I Am the Alpha and the Omega by Dr. Warren Gage

Episode Description: The Gospel of John opens by identifying Jesus as the Word of God, who came to us in human flesh. In a mirror reflection, Revelation, which is likewise authored by the Apostle John, ends with Jesus proclaiming, “I Am the Alpha and the Omega!” What is the significance of Jesus identifying himself this way? Find out from Dr. Warren Gage in this episode, which is part of a verse by verse study of Revelation 21 & 22.

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Episode 7: Revelation in the Context of Classical Greek Literature by Dr. Warren Gage

Episode Description: Modern scholars often categorize the Book of Revelation as a genre of literature they’ve termed “apocalyptic literature.” But Dr. Warren Gage argues this is a mistake. To understand Revelation, we need to read the book in the context of the New Testament world to which it was written. The Greeks identified four different genres of literature: tragedy, comedy, epic, and lyric. Which of the four genres does Revelation really belong to? The answer will surprise you! This episode is part of a verse by verse study of Revelation 21 & 22.

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Episode 6: Revelation 21:4 - From Suffering to Glory! by Dr. Warren Gage

Episode Description: By promising that God will one day wipe away every tear from our eyes, the Bible reassures us that God will turn our sorrow to joy in the end! Listen to Dr. Warren Gage explain the comedic trajectory of the Bible and the promise that our suffering will one day be transformed into the greatest of glory! This episode continues our verse by verse study of Revelation 21 & 22.

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Episode 5: Revelation 21:4 - When God Wipes Away Every Tear from Our Eyes by Dr. Warren Gage

Episode Description: Revelation gives us the beautiful promise that one day God will wipe away every tear from our eyes. What special meaning did this promise have to the people of the New Testament world? Dr. Warren Gage explains in this episode, which is part of a verse by verse study of Revelation Chapters 21 and 22.

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Episode 4: Revelation 21:3-4 - The Tabernacle of God Dwells Among His People by Dr. Warren Gage

Episode Description: In the days of Moses, the tabernacle was the place where the glory of God dwelled among his people. The Gospel of John opens with the announcement that Jesus became flesh and “tabernacled” among his people in his earthly ministry. Revelation ends with the glorious announcement that the “tabernacle of God” will dwell among his people forever in heaven. What does this glorious promise entail? This episode continues our verse by verse study of Revelation Chapters 21 and 22.

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Episode 3: Revelation 21:2 - The Bridal City Adorned for Her Husband by Dr. Warren Gage

Episode Description: Revelation 21:2 compares the heavenly New Jerusalem to a bride who has been prepared for her wedding and adorned for her husband. In Israel, the preparation of the bride is always significant. What does the biblical preparation of this heavenly bride involve, and what does it teach us about the expanse of our redemption? Listen to Dr. Warren Gage explain in this episode, which continues our verse by verse study of Revelation Chapters 21 and 22!

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Episode 2: Revelation 21:2 - The Bridal City Comes Down from Heaven by Dr. Warren Gage

Episode Description: In Revelation 21:2, the Apostle John sees the bridal city of the heavenly New Jerusalem coming down from heaven. Dr. Warren Gage invites us to read this passage alongside Psalm 19, which describes God as a bridegroom who is like the sun running his course in the heavens. This episode is part of a verse by verse study of Revelation Chapters 21 and 22.

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Episode 1: Revelation 21:1 - The New Heavens & Earth by Dr. Warren Gage

Episode Description: Dr. Warren Gage begins a verse by verse study of Revelation Chapters 21 and 22. In Revelation 21:1, the Apostle John sees a new cosmic order, which he calls the new heavens and earth. What will they look like? Why is it significant that the Bible characterizes them as “new”?

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