Meet Dr. Warren Gage!

Dr. Warren Gage is a biblical scholar known for his uniquely Christ-centered, literary approach to reading the Bible. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been reading the Bible for your entire life or you’re just beginning. Dr. Warren Gage’s teaching will give you an entirely new appreciation for the beauty of the Scripture and the depth of Christ’s love for you.

Dr. Warren Gage’s Degrees & Bio

  • Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary

  • J.D. from SMU Dedman School of Law

  • Ph.D. in political philosophy and literature from the University of Dallas

Dr. Warren Gage holds a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary, a J.D. from SMU School of Law, and a Ph.D. in philosophy and literature from the University of Dallas, where he completed his dissertation on the connections between the Gospel of John and Revelation. Dr. Warren Gage also completed a year of post-graduate study at Tubingen University in Germany. He worked for twelve years as a trial attorney and was national counsel for a Fortune 500 defense contractor in Washington D.C. For the next twelve years, he was a Professor of Biblical Studies and of Classical Studies at the graduate level. He is the Founder and President of Watermark Gospel, a nonprofit ministry that aims to show the world how to find Jesus in every story of the Bible.

Dr. Warren Gage’s Projects